January Birthdays

A list of artists who were born in January.


Ferenc Medgyessy (10 Jan, 1881) sculptor

Ferenc Medgyesi: Motherhood, 1932

Image from: https://www.hung-art.hu/frames.html?/magyar/m/medgyess/muvek/2/szoptato.html


Jenő Barcsay (14 Jan, 1900) painter, graphic artist

Jenő Barcsay: Houses via https://mng.hu/mutargyak/hazak/


Paul Cézanne (18 Jan, 1839) painter

Paul Cézanne: Still life With Cherries via https://artsandculture.google.com/asset/still-life-with-cherries-and-peaches/FwEgbBdeuD3rMA?hl=en-GB


Gyula Benczúr (28 Jan 1844) painter

 Gyula Benczúr: Woman Reading in a Forest via https://mek.oszk.hu/01900/01905/html/index848.html

