Városligeti ART BLOG

Budapest Art Competition - We have a Winner!
Bernini again - self-portraits
Bernini's genius
A house in Pompeii - a virtual tour
'Girls by the Piano' by Renoir
FAMOUS PAINTINGS - The Night Watch by Rembrandt
Fun Facts about the Color Blue
'Classe de danse' by Edgar Degas
New works this school year
"...not a fan of comics and cartoons..." - Roy Lichtenstein
"Dada does not mean anything..."
Summer camp
Summer holiday
Landscape - what is it?
The School of Athens
Beautiful colours on the window
Jackson Pollock and "action painting"
Byzantine faces
In Monet's footsteps
How would you finish this picture?
Gothic windows
Seurat and his painting technique
Rodin and Munch
Making mosaics
Summer camp
A winter story in summer
Colourful windows at school
New mosaics - 2014/15
Ödön Lechner - A Creative Genius
Byzantine Mosaics
Manet's 'Le Printemps'
Through Students' Eyes - Max Ernst
Through Students' Eyes - Picasso
Through students' eyes - The Rouen Cathedral series by Monet
Through Students' Eyes - Monet again
Through students' eyes - Van Gogh
Through students' eyes - Monet
Through students' eyes - Seurat
Greco-Roman or Medieval?
A letter inspired by a painting
Summer holiday
A Renaissance Cabinet Rediscovered
The Inlay Technique of Marquetry
A man far more than a great artist: Leonardo
"The Greek"
A Renaissance artist whose biography was published in his lifetime - Michelangelo
Word Search - Medieval Art
"My work is the embodiment of dreams"
An Interview with a contemporary painter
The Pompidou Centre
January Birthdays
Write about an artwork
Caravaggio to Canaletto
Letters on Cézanne
December birthdays 3
December birthdays 2
"Style Mucha"
December birthdays 1
An Exceptional Man - Antoni Gaudí
November birthdays 3 - TWO HUNGARIAN ARCHITECTS
November Birthdays 2
November birthdays - RODIN and MONET
Let us go to the Museum!
Visiting a Museum
October birthdays 5
Paintings for real
October birthdays 4
October birthdays 3
A story
"Holy Wisdom"
October birthdays 2
October birthdays 1
Questions about art
The man in the picture wrote a letter... Part 2
The man in the picture wrote a letter... Part 1
Why is the Blue Rider blue?
Rodin and Shaw
The running dog
The mystery of art terms
September birthdays
Items: 1 - 87 of 87
- Sullivan
- Géricault
- Caravaggio
- Boucher
- Kit Cat
- Kneller
- Whig
- canvas
- portrait
- running dog
- vitruvian schroll
- ornament
- frieze
- G.B. Shaw
- sculpture
- Nobel Prize
- Oscar
- Pygmalion
- Blue Rider
- Marc
- Munich
- modern art
- Kandinsky
- Károly Ferenczy
- October
- letter
- questions about art
- artwork
- writing about artworks
- Boccioni
- Watteau
- Futurism
- dynamism
- Museum of Modern Art-New York
- Rosalba Carriera
- rococo
- French
- Italian
- fetes galantes
- painter
- sculptor
- decorator
- architect
- Raft of the Medusa
- Nabis Movement
- Édouard Vuillard
- Maurice Denis
- brushstrokes
- studio
- printmaker
- Toulouse-Lautrec
- Pierre Bonnard
- Francis Bacon
- Hagia Sophia
- Holy Wisdom
- mosque
- church
- basilica
- Constantinople
- Emperor Justinian
- mosaics
- pendentive
- painting
- arch
- dome
- custodian
- artist
- museum
- bulglar alarm
- pedestal
- frame
- ticket seller
- exhibition
- Jan Vermeer
- domestic interior scene
- Dutch
- pigment
- Giacometti
- Surrealist
- Swiss
- Second World War
- Sisley
- Monet
- Szinyei
- Renoir
- Degas
- Gauguin
- Simon Hollósy
- Rippl-Rónai
- Picasso
- 20th century
- Cubism
- ceramicist
- Red Rose Gallery
- Claude Monet
- series
- Impressionism
- Schulek
- Makovecz
- organic architecture
- Gaudí
- Modernism
- Alphonse Mucha
- Art Nouveau
- poster art
- Paul Klee
- Károly Kós
- Károly Lotz
- János Kass
- Miksa Róth
- writer
- glass artist
- Matisse
- Fauves
- avant-garde
- Cézanne
- letters
- Rilke
- Canaletto
- Museum of Fine Arts
- Vermeer
- Medgyessy
- Barcsay
- Benczúr
- Pompidou Centre
- Paris
- Renzo Piano
- Richard Rogers
- expressive constructivism
- Ágnes Paróczi
- interview
- Mihály Munkácsy
- Vienna
- László Paál
- Barbizon
- Hungarian
- William Morris
- Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood
- Arts and Crafts Movement
- designer
- Louis Comfort Tiffany
- Morris & Co.
- graphic artist
- Michelangelo
- Florence
- Sistine Chapel
- poet
- Vigée-Lebrun
- Getty Museum
- Renaissance
- John French Sloan
- Leonardo da Vinci
- scientist
- Renaissance man
- renaissance
- rebirth
- Italy
- linear perspective
- marquetry
- Woman With a Cage
- Greco-Roman
- medieval
- comparison
- Seurat
- pointillism
- La Grande Jatte
- Giverny
- Van Gogh
- sunflowers
- Impressionists
- Sunrise
- Rouen Cathedral
- Blue Period
- Dada
- Surrealism
- Max Ernst
- Joan Miró
- Franz Marc
- Edouard Manet
- Masaccio
- George Segal
- Suzanne Valadon
- Frank Stella
- Ödön Lechner
- Gainsborough
- mosaic
- students' works
- Frank Lloyd Wright
- Fallingwater
- architecture
- stained glass windows
- Bruegel
- Rodin
- Munch
- Georges Seurat
- The Thinker
- design
- Musée Rodin
- Gothic
- rose window
- The Art Institute of Chicago
- wordsearch
- Le Printemps
- sketch
- copy
- Byzantine
- Jackson Pollock
- drip painting
- action painting
- Abstract Expressionism
- William Henry Fox Talbot
- photography
- Constable
- Albrecht Dürer
- Raphael
- Mondrian
- The School of Athens
- fresco
- landscape
- summer
- Jean Arp
- Dadaism
- Hans Arp
- Roy Lichtenstein
- Pop Art
- cartoon
- comics
- comic strip
- blue
- colors
- November
- Braque
- artist of the month
- Rembrandt
- The Night Watch
- Bernini
- Baroque
- Pompeii
- El Greco
- summer camp
- Fantin-Latour
- still life
- art competition
- veduta
- Manet